Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kmart Xmas TVC

Airbag productions, directed by Adrian Bosich and produced by Jessica Norton.
This job required lots of people and lots of wrapping paper. Everything that was put in front of the camera had to be wrapped (other than the actors). So we pre-wrapped as much as we could and then had a crew wrapping over the nights before the shoot days. Wrapping trollies, bikes, Xmas trees can be very time consuming.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bupa TVC

Television commercial Directed by Jake Robb and Produced by Jackie Fish, both from fiction films.
We were required to make a 3 metre x 3 metre self lit cube . All sides of the cube were going to be seen, including the top. The cube also had to rotate and have inter-changable sides so that different logos could be installed and shot. Getting an even spread of light on all 5 sides was very important, this required a combination of the right density of fluorescent tubes as well as the tubes being set back from the acrylic the correct distance. After a couple of discussions with the cinematographer, Garry Richards and some calculated guess work we ended up with a great result.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Unity" By Kit Webster

Kit Webster, Projection Artist Extraordinaire needed a light weight white diamond to project his flag images upon. This was to be set up inside the Melbourne town hall front balcony.
The framework was made from trussed Aluminium. Plywood was bonded to the back of the frame so that the white fabric could be stretched and stapled. The diamond when it stands is about 4.8 metres tall.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Taj Mahal Cubby

Bosch power tools
Directed by Tov Belling from The Pound.
The cubby was built in my workshop and then transported in pieces to the backyard location.
We only had to build the bottom half of the Taj, the domes were going to be computer generated
in post to keep costs down. All the fret work was hand cut using a jig saw.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Block-Promo

The Block-Promo
We were asked to build, (with the help of Nick Pledge-model maker) various parts of everyday objects that would be completed in post. We had to build all the bits that the actors physically handled or climbed over. These pieces included a plug hole, tape measure, toy spanner and a toy hammer.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Medibank -talk bubbles

This was a simple idea that got bigger and bigger. In order to be able to shoot the talk bubbles (some of which were huge) and keep the Medibank letters out of frame we had to shoot this in at the docklands studios. So we had to paint the whole floor and create our own temporary cyclorama.
The bubbles had to be soft and tactile so we built plywood carcasses and then took them to Rod at Trimworld who covered them in foam and vinyl faux leather. The final result was fantastic but they were problematic to transport being so big.